Agosto 12, the first and only Jack Up Gas Compression Platform operating in Mexico till date, is fully owned by the Coastal Group and built to serve Mexican oil & gas sector.
Area of Operations : Cantarell field, Gulf of Mexico (one of the largest oil fields in the world). This facility is part of Pemex’s critical plans for Mexico to develop their oil & gas production.
Tenure : 8 years + 4 years option to extend
Commence : since August 2016
Enhances Oil Recovery and Reduces Greenhouse Emissions
This unique set up is the first compression platform of its kind in the world. It compresses sour gas, which can either be transported to other processing centres or re-injected into mature fields to enhance oil recovery, while enabling the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
Flexibility of Relocation
Mobility of the platform allows flexibility of relocation and connection to other facilities